Transformations between perfect and imperfect quantum reference frames

Sébastien Garmier – PhD student in QIT group (Prof. Renato Renner) at ETH


Any observer performing a measurement does so relative to a physical system serving as a reference frame, which, when treated quantum-mechanically, leads to the notion of quantum reference frames. Starting with the points of view of such observers and using an information-theoretical approach, we provide a new construction of transformations between quantum reference frames. Besides the views of each observer, we also derive the existence of an observer-independent view. Importantly, our framework is capable of handling physically very relevant imperfect quantum reference frames (frames, whose orientations are not perfectly distinguishable). We derive transformations between imperfect frames by embedding imperfect frames in perfect ones. Finally, we explore the consequences of this embedding and explain the point of view of an observer whose frame is imperfect.

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