Tag: ETH Hönggerberg HIT K 52
New Windows on the Universe through Gravitational Waves
Dr. Davide Racco – Postdoc at ETH and UZH In 2015, the first observations of the gravitational waves emitted by the merger of two black holes occurred 1.4 billion years ago, marked the first direct measurement of these spacetime ripples, and the beginning of the gravitational wave astronomy era. The measurements of the network of…
The Physics of Randomness
Prof. Dr. Ramona Wolf – Junior Professor at University of Siegen (Germany) Can you define the term “randomness”? Do you think you know the difference between a classical and a quantum random number generator? Given the fundamental quantum nature of our universe, what even is a classical random number generator? Randomness is an idea that…
Quench dynamics in topological and non-Hermitian systems
Karin Sim – PhD student at ETH Out of equilibrium systems are gaining increasing attention in the physics community due to their novel properties compared to their staticcounterpart. In particular, quantum quench is an established method to probe various aspects of out of equilibrium physics, both theoretically and experimentally. In this talk, I will present…
The daily life of a mathematical physicist
Alessandro Tarantola – PhD student at ETH Have you ever wondered where “generalized eigenstates” live, if not in the Hilbert space? Do you often feel uncomfortable exchanging sums and integrals? Are you uneasy if you think something is ill-defined? If so, mathematical physics might be just right for you!This talk will be meant to familiarize…
Transformations between perfect and imperfect quantum reference frames
Sébastien Garmier – PhD student in QIT group (Prof. Renato Renner) at ETH Abstract Any observer performing a measurement does so relative to a physical system serving as a reference frame, which, when treated quantum-mechanically, leads to the notion of quantum reference frames. Starting with the points of view of such observers and using an…
The road to the Ultraviolet: Effective Field Theories in Particle Physics
Dr. Achilleas Lazopoulos – Senior Scientist at the Particle Physics group of ITP, ETHZ Abstract Our quest for an ultimate theory of elementary particles is taking a new turn as the Large Hadron Collider goes on inspecting the structure of the microscopic world at the energy range of the TeV without discovering new particles. How…