Tag: ETH Hönggerberg HIT K 52

  • Facets of Integr[abil]ity

    Facets of Integr[abil]ity

    Prof. Dr. Niklas Beisert – Professor of the Quantum Field Theory and Strings group at ITP, ETH Zurich Integrability is a powerful feature of distinguished models in theoretical physics which makes their observables accessible to exact computational methods. These abstract methods founded in complex analysis and algebra also bring to light many essential notions of…

  • Almost-i.i.d. States

    Almost-i.i.d. States

    Giulia Mazzola – PhD student in QIT group, ETH Zurich A common assumption in physics is that the same experiment can be repeated many times independently. More precisely, one often assumes that different rounds of an experiment can be described by independent and identically distributed (iid) states. But how can such an assumption be justified?…

  • Quick Talks

    Quick Talks

    Apostolos Giovanakis, Guglielmo Gigante, Yiyuan Chen – MSc students at ETH Zurich Electroweak Baryogenesis in the Standard Model and Beyond – Apostolos Giovanakis The matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe remains one of the most profound mysteries in cosmology and particle physics. Electroweak baryogenesis is a mechanism in the early Universe that generates this asymmetry between baryons and…

  • Where is information localised?

    Where is information localised?

    Carla Ferradini – PhD student in QIT group, ETH Zurich “Information is Physical” and, at any point in time, physical systems occupy space. Hence, information, being a physical system itself, must also have a location in spacetime. It may seem straightforward to assign a spacetime location to a bit of information by using the location…

  • Positivity Bounds on Effective Field Theories

    Positivity Bounds on Effective Field Theories

    Matteo Delladio – PhD student ETH Zurich Nearly two decades ago, Adams et al. (2006) demonstrated that the locality and unitarity of UV completions impose surprising constraints on the Wilson coefficients of otherwise healthy-looking, Lorentz-invariant effective field theories. Since then, the field has made significant progress and developed substantially. However, despite these advancements, we believe…

  • Quantum Fields on Classical Computers

    Quantum Fields on Classical Computers

    Dr. Tim Harris – Postdoc at ITP, ETH Zurich I will start by briefly attempting to answer the questions who? what? when? where? why? about lattice field theory. As you shall hopefully see, the lattice approach gives us a unique way to define quantum field theories without relying on perturbation theory. One of its major…

  • Precision Higgs Physics

    Precision Higgs Physics

    Prof. Dr. Charalampos Anastasiou – Professor at D-PHYS, ETH Zurich The Higgs particle is the subject of intense experimentation. I will discuss some of our expectations for what we can learn from studying it. Alongside experiments, theory is crucial to deciphering the meaning of Higgs signals. I will discuss how we can build the next…

  • Language Models for the Simulation of Quantum Many-Body Systems

    Language Models for the Simulation of Quantum Many-Body Systems

    Prof. Dr. Juan Carrasquilla Alvarez – Associate Professor at D-PHYS, ETH Zurich In this talk, I will discuss our work on using models inspired by natural language processing in the realm of quantum many-body physics. I will demonstrate their utility in solving ground states of quantum Hamiltonians, particularly for ground states of arrays of Rydberg…

  • Quantum field theory and strings: a challenge for modern particle physics

    Quantum field theory and strings: a challenge for modern particle physics

    Dr. Johannes Brödel – Senior Scientist at D-PHYS, ETH Zurich While there are still numerous mathematical challenges for particle physicists when calculating scattering amplitudes for the explanation and confirmation of results measured at modern particle accelerators, the theoretical development of quantum field theory and even more string theory seems to be on hold: low-hanging fruits…

  • Universality in long-range quantum systems

    Universality in long-range quantum systems

    Prof. Dr. Nicolò Defenu – Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich Dive into the fascinating realm of quantum systems, the seminar will offer a panoramic view of long-range interactions. Starting with a encompassing tour of critical phenomena in systems featuring power-law interactions 1/r^α at α < d, we’ll unveil the intricate equilibrium scaling dependence on the…