Tag: ETH Hönggerberg HIT E 41.1
An Introduction to Periodically Driven Systems
Dr. R. Chitra, Senior Scientist in ITP The past decade has seen tremendous developments in the field of non-equilibrium physics. In particular, periodically driven many-body systems, also termed Floquet systems, provide a versatile arena for the exploration of a rich and diverse phenomenology of physics away from equilibrium. In this talk I will briefly introduce…
A Monte Carlo Journey Through the 3D XY Model
Roman Kracht, PhD Student at ETH Zürich The XY model describes interacting spins in the plane and captures the essence of the topological Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless (BKT) transition observed in systems such as superfluid helium or superconducting films. The vortex excitations that drive the BKT transition arise in a strictly two-dimensional setting, but real materials often consist…
When Quantum Systems Source Gravity: How Can We Do Physics Without Spacetime?
Dr. Flaminia Giacomini, SNSF Ambizione Fellow at ETHZ Spacetime is ubiquitous and is at the foundation of all our physical theories. At the interface between quantum theory and gravity, however, the classical notion of spacetime is no longer adequate to capture the description of physical systems. To date, we still do not know which structure…
String Theory and the AdS/CFT correspondence
Prof. Dr. Matthias Gaberdiel, Professor at the ETH Institute for Theoretical Physics I will give a brief introduction into string theory and the AdS/CFT correspondence. I will then describe our recent progress with proving the AdS/CFT correspondence in one specific instance. Resources/References Recording https://video.ethz.ch/events/2024/theory/324c887b-06cf-4cab-a30b-07ea0267d928.html
The reduced phase space of gravity
Dr. Giovanni Canepa, Postdoc at the University of Geneva In this talk I will outline a description of the reduced phase space of gravity, for a space or time-like boundary, with and without gauge and matter fields. The reduced phase space is the space of possible initial conditions and will be presented as the reduction…
Zero-threshold superradiance of Pauli crystals
Daniel A. Ortuño-González – PhD student at ETH Zürich Quantum crystals are unique phases of matter that emerge at near-zero temperatures, where quantum fluctuations, rather than thermal fluctuations, drive phase transitions. One of such type of crystals can be obtained in ultra-cold atoms interacting with an optical cavity, where the atoms undergo a symmetry breaking…
Positivity bounds on electromagnetic properties of media
Borna Salehian – Postdoc at ETH Zurich We study the constraints imposed on the electromagnetic response of general media by microcausality (commutators of local fields vanish outside the light cone) and positivity of the imaginary parts (the medium can only absorb energy from the external field). The equations of motion for the average electromagnetic field…
Freezing and Shielding under Global Quenches
Daniel Arrufat Vicente – PhD student at ETH Zurich Systems with strong non-local interactions exhibit a rich variety of out-of-equilibrium phenomena. One of the distinctive features of classical systems is the emergence of pre-thermal phases, known as quasi-stationary states (QSSs), whose lifetimes grow with system size. Similar effects are observed in quantum systems, though a…