Talk Schedule

FS 2025

24.02.2025Dr. Flaminia GiacominiWhen Quantum Systems Source Gravity: How Can We Do Physics Without Spacetime?
03.03.2025Roman KrachtA Monte Carlo Journey Through the 3D XY Model
10.03.2025Dr. Ramasubramanian ChitraAn Introduction to Periodically Driven Systems
17.03.2025Prof. Dr. Peter HintzTBD
24.03.2025Paola TavellaTBD
31.03.2025Raffaele LomartireTBD
07.04.2025Julia KarlenTBD
14.04.2025Rahel BaumgartnerTBD
21.04.2025Easter Break
05.05.2025Caroline TornowTBD
12.05.2025Freya BehrensTBD
19.05.2025Prof. Dr. Philippe JetzerTBD
22.05.2025Prof. Dr. Renato RennerTBD
02.06.2025Summer Holidays

HS 2024

25.09.2024Prof. Dr. Babis AnastasiouPrecision Higgs Physics
02.10.2024Dr. Tim HarrisQuantum Fields on Classical Computers
09.10.2024Matteo DelladioPositivity Bounds on Effective Field Theories
15.10.2024Carla FerradiniWhere is information localised?
22.10.2024Daniel ArrufatFreezing and Shielding under Global Quenches
30.10.2024Yiyuan Chen
Apostolos Giovanakis
Guglielmo Gigante
Quick Talks
06.11.2024Giulia MazzolaAlmost-i.i.d. States
12.11.2024Dr. Borna SalehianPositivity bounds on electromagnetic properties of media
20.11.2024Prof. Dr. Niklas BeisertFacets of Integr[abil]ity
26.11.2024Daniel OrtunoZero-threshold superradiance of Pauli crystals
03.12.2024Dr. Giovanni CanepaThe reduced phase space of gravity
10.12.2024Prof. Dr. Matthias GaberdielString Theory and the AdS/CFT correspondence
17.12.2024Winter Holidays

FS 2024

04.03.2024Prof. Dr. Renato RennerTesting Quantum Theory With Thought Experiments
11.03.2024Dr. Achilleas LazopoulosThe road to the Ultraviolet: Effective Field Theories in Particle Physics
18.03.2024Sébastien GarmierTransformations between perfect and imperfect quantum reference frames
25.03.2024Alessandro TarantolaThe daily life of a mathematical physicist
01.04.2024Easter Break
08.04.2024Karin SimQuench dynamics in topological and non-Hermitian systems
22.04.2024Prof. Dr. Ramona WolfThe Physics of Randomness
29.04.2024Dr. Davide RaccoNew Windows on the Universe through Gravitational Waves
06.05.2024Prof. Dr. Nicolò DefenuUniversality in long-range quantum systems
13.05.2024Dr. Johannes BrödelQuantum field theory and strings: a challenge for modern particle physics
29.05.2024Prof. Dr. Juan Carrasquilla AlvarezLanguage Models for the Simulation of Quantum Many-Body Systems