Prof. Dr. Renato Renner – Professor at the ETH Institute for Theoretical Physics
According to quantum theory, objects can be in states without classical analogues. For example, in the famous double-slit experiment, a particle may be in a superposition of passing through two different slits at the same time. Such superposition states are well understood, and we know about their experimental signatures — such as the appearance of an interference pattern on a screen behind the slits. But what if we scaled this experiment up so that the two slits become two doors and then replaced the particle with an agent? Can such an agent traverse the two doors in superposition? And, if yes, what would the agent experience? The debate among physicists about questions of this type is almost a century old, and no conclusion has been reached. Nonetheless, as I argue in my talk, we can still learn a lot from reconsidering such thought experiments through the lens of information theory.